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Selectmen's Minutes February 10, 1998
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes of February 10, 1998

Selectmen Present:  Chairman Charles Flynn, Judy Murdoch, Catherine Kuchinski, Daniel Webster, Peter Jones and Executive Secretary Joseph Nugent.

I.      Chairman Flynn called the meeting to order at 7:30p.m. by introducing the new MediaOne representative Paul Francis Joi.  Mr. Joi came before the camera to say that he will be helping out  in Hanson until someone is hired to take the Place of Danny Lee. He explained that MediaOne is looking for volunteers to help out  covering meetings and help with the community bulletin boards.  The number to call is 447-4429, fax 447-4693.

II.     Board of Assessors - Present: Charles Flynn, Judy Murdoch, Catherine Kuchinski, Daniel Webster, Peter Jones and Assessors Steve DeDominici and Dan Ward.  A joint vote is needed between the Board of Selectmen and the remaining members of the Board of Assessors to appoint someone to fill the term of Marie Nugent who recently resigned.  There were three applicants, the Assessors would recommend Susan Thornton she has previous experience on the Board. Motion by Webster to appoint Susan Thornton to the Board of Assessors to fill vacant position, second by Murdoch- Jones suggested a letter of thanks be sent to the 2 applicants who were not chosen.  Roll call vote:  Murdoch, aye; Kuchinski,aye; Jones, aye; Webster,aye; DeDominici, aye; Ward, aye; Flynn, aye.  7-0 vote.  Motion Carries. The Board thanked the two other applicants, Vincent Sica and Thomas McHugh for expressing their interest in the Town.

The Board of Assessors thanked Marie Nugent for her wisdom and warmth she has brought to the Board and she will be missed, Best wishes to her.

III.    Request for appointment - Kevin Arouca to the Parks and Fields Committee to expire 2000.  Kevin Arouca introduced himself and expressed his interest in being involved in the Town.  Kuchinski asked if he has ever attended any Parks and Field Committee Meetings, Arouca has been to two.  Motion by Murdoch to appoint Kevin Arouca to the Parks and Fields Committee, second by Webster.  5-0 Vote.

IV.     Whitman Veterans of Foreign Wars request permission to sell Buddy Poppies in Hanson May 13, 1998 through May 16, 1998.  Motion to authorize the sale of Buddy Poppies by Kuchinski, second by Jones.  5-0 Vote.

V.      Mark Vess - Plymouth County Sub-Committee discussed the need to do something with the Plymouth County Hospital Site which seems to be sitting there without any action from the Town to purchase.  Vess suggests that the Board of Selectmen appoint a Committee dedicated to follow through with what should be done with this property.  He would like the committee to be responsible for starting a search for potential users, to bring in architects and the Fire Chief to look at this property etc.  Vess explained that he has a list of people who are interested in being on this type of committee.  He also explained that he has heard many people asking why the Town Hall is not moved to that site?  Kuchinski clarified that this committee would be more pro active than the previous Plymouth County Advisory Committee that appears to be defunct.  
Jones wanted to let the public know that the Board of Selectmen has been working hard behind the scenes with Plymouth County  regarding the purchase of this property.  Jones suggests that the proposed Committee be established at Town Meeting by the Selectmen with the approval of the Moderator to do so and would like to keep this Committee an Advisory Committee.  Webster reiterated the fact that the Board of Selectmen have been actively involved with this property.  Webster explained there are many problems with this site  such as hazardous waste, Septic problems, asbestos and lead paint as well as many other issues.  The Committee would be great for addressing some of these issues.  As far as Town Hall is concerned, the Town is very far along with the plans for the addition  and it would be very costly to the Town to move the Town Hall to this site.  
Flynn added that he agrees we should go to Town Meeting to set up the Committee, Vess added that he would like the committee to be appointed sooner.  Kuchinski added that she believes the Plymouth County Advisory Committee is defunct because they did not pass in a report.  Therefore, we could invite the Moderator and the list of people  to the next meeting  to have a discussion.  Webster would like anyone interested in being on this committee to come forward.   Flynn let Vess know that the Town does not actually have control of this property, it is owned by the County right now so we should not be getting ahead of ourselves.  The Board decided to continue this discussion at the next meeting.  

V.      Vote to accept minutes of 9/23/98, 10/9/97, 11/18/97, 12/2/97, 12/9/97, 12/16/97, 12/30/97, and Executive Session Minutes of 11/18/97, 12/2/97.  
Motion to accept minutes by Kuchinski, second by Jones.  5-0 Vote.

Action Requests:
Jones:  Is there a web site for the Town Hall?  If there is not could we set up a site, and ask citizens to get in touch with us if they have any experience.  Nugent suggested that Toni Leverone from the Library  help us with the Web Site, she was responsible for the set up of the Library site.  
Flynn:  (1) Could Nugent  report on the renovations to the Town Hall?
Nugent explained that we are about 95% complete with the plans and specifications for the Town Hall.  There have been issues with HVAC that had to be reexamined.  The Building Committee is meeting next Wednesday.  Work is scheduled to begin in late spring.  The Highway Department has helped out by clearing by the pond to stabilize the slope.  The Notice of Intent has been filed with the Conservation Commission and the Orders of Condition have been issued.  The Committee has gone before the Board of Appeals with some minor modifications.  Nugent also wanted to state that Jay Walter, Building Committee Member has been extremely helpful.  
(2) Flynn announced the D.A.R.E. Graduation on Thursday night at 7:00 p.m. at the Indian Head School.  
Kuchinski: (1) Wanted to bring to the Boards attention a handout she had received from the Whitman Hanson Business Professionals Association.  It is entitled Key Economic Indicators which outlined  the unemployment rate at 3.8% in the State as well as  Consumer confidence being up and Workers Compensation Rates are down.  (2) A few weeks ago Cathy held office hours to try and establish a bylaw in Town regarding commercial vehicles being parked in residential areas.  Six people came in to see her during her hours and the general consensus was that the residents felt that if there is a problem  existing the best way to deal with it would be on a case by case basis through the Zoning Board of Appeals. (3) Would like to request that the Board formally invite Troop 97 and there leader Steve Amica to introduce themselves at a meeting.  

Executive Secretary Report:

1.   There is an issue with the Playground at Maquan School regarding the Maintenance and bringing the structure up to code.  A group of citizens has come together to look at this issue.  We need to recognize  those citizens who originally put together  the building of this playground.  They did a great job raising funds and saved the Town a lot of money.  The maintenance has gotten to a point where there are code issues involved. The playground committee has been getting together  to see what we can do to salvage what is there.  The School agreed to try and keep up with the maintenance while the citizens group agreed to raise funds to do something about the code aspect of the playground, however they would like to put an article in at Town Meeting for $7,500.    There was a request from Pamela Garcia on behalf of the citizens group for an on site analysis with a list of items needed to bring it up to code.  This will give us a ballpark figure.  They would like to request that the Board of Selectmen amend their request to the Capital Improvement Committee to add $7,500 for work to be done at the playground.  Kuchinski asked if the school has put forth any money to take care of the maintenance.  Nugent answered that they have about $5,000 worked into their budget to maintain the structure.  Kuchinski also inquired about what other items the Board of Selectmen have requested from the Capital Improvement Committee.  Nugent believes the GIS System feasibility Study.  Murdoch asked if they will be fundraising in addition to the $7,500, Nugent said they will. Motion by Murdoch to add to the Board of Selectmen’s Capital Improvement Request $7,500 for the playground, second by Kuchinski.  5-0 Vote.  

2.    Reminder that the budget process is continuing and we should schedule a meeting with the Finance Committee to discuss.

- Flynn  mentioned the Grand Re Opening of the Mutual Federal Savings Bank, they have done a great job expanding.  They will be having another Open House on Saturday, February 14, 1998 with costumes and prizes and there will be an art contest for the children.  The theme of the contest is What I love about living in Hanson.  

VI.     Chief King - King is before the Board tonight for the signing of his contract.  Jones briefly explained that the contract is for three years, the first year $59,918 + Evaluation %, the second year he will receive a $4,000 raise + Evaluation %, the third year he will receive the salary + Evaluation %.  In the contract it states that the Chief will continue to take education courses.  King was given an allowance to buyback 1 week of vacation time each year.  King thanked the Board  and is happy with the contract.  Motion by Jones, second by Kuchinski to sign Chief King’s Contract.  5-0 Vote.  Murdoch added that the community and the Police Department feel he is doing a fine job, thank you.

VII.    Adjournment- Motion by Jones to adjourn, second by Webster.  5-0 Vote.  Meeting adjourned at 9:00p.m.